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Years of Tumult
22:58:08 Jan 19th 10 - Mr. Rafiq al Rashid:

Sharif Abu-Sinan Karim al-Hakim ibn Saqr ibn Hussein ‘al –Qusayri proudly stood on the battlements of the central gatehouse of Al-Qusayri, the beautiful azure banner with delicate, curved, silver calligraphy waving tirelessly above him. Although aged, with more than sixty winters behind him, his eyes still had that acute look of a falcon, commanding authority and awe. He didn’t seem the least bit tired from the weight of his mail and armor, which glimmered in the morning sun. Leaning his hands on the sandstone parapet, Karim al-Hakim resembled an eagle, ready to attack its prey.

“Neither I, nor do the people of Al-Qusayri owe any allegiance to some war-mongering emir, self-proclaimed himself Caliph!” Karim al-Hakim’s voice, although weakened and guttural with the age, was absolute and unyielding. His words had the ability to make the clouds themselves move and rumble.

“We come baring the banner and seal of the Caliphate, Sharif ‘Al-Qusayri!” Emir Aswad al-Fatin’s effort to control his rage proved weaker than his temper. His black mare neighed in alarm. Restless, it made a small circle beneath the locked gates of the port town. Once the Emir managed to restore control over his mount, he looked up again towards the battlements: “May I remind you that any act of defiance shall be met with strict justice!”

“Is it justice to hold the Council of Emirs hostage? Make them elect the new Caliph under the threat of death? It is not.” The Sharif of Al-Qusayri waved his hand in dismissal towards the Emir and his escort. “Be gone now. Salamat.”

Emir Aswad al-Fatin was about to continue the argument, but upon seeing that Karim al-Hakim turned his back and disappeared behind the battlements, he held his tongue behind his teeth. “They shall soon suffer,” Aswad thought to himself with satisfaction and turned his mount towards his escorting company. “Yallaw!” he grunted angrily and spurred his mare into gallop along the road, leading away from Al-Qusayri. The guard convoy followed him shortly, the black and golden colours of the Caliphate waving behind amidst the cloud of dust.

Karim al-Hakim paced slowly towards the inner battlements of the gatehouse to overlook his humble port-town from above; crammed little houses and mansions, packed market streets, souks and bazaars, slender minarets and towers (of all religions; Al-Qusayri was a place tolerant to all faiths and beliefs), shade-casting palm trees and round plazas with fountains. At the farthest western point lay the docks, with numerous masts towering above. Several ships were making their way inside sea haven, safely protected by stone piers. Dominating the docks was the so called “citadel” (if one could even call it so), which represented a large keep, at the top of which there were vaults of arches and slender, delicate columns, topped with a low roof. Compared to many other cities within the Caliphate (even if there still was at the current moment, it would soon fall apart), Al-Qusayri was a modest town. What it did have, however, was one of the busiest ports on the coast.

The wind was strong today. The heavy sea breeze was bringing up clouds from the western horizon. The monotonous rattle of vessel rigging and ropes, the tiring creaking of planks and the wild, untamed flapping of flags and sails mixed with the variegated noise of the souks. Even at a time of partial siege, the trading didn’t end and the markets were brimming.

“They shall return with a greater force, Sharif,” spoke Saleh al-Ammar in a hushed, yet rash voice. Being constable of Al-Qusayri, his prime concern and devotion, after his family, was to the city and its people. Although younger than the Sharif with almost a decade, Saleh did not lack wisdom and was even renowned to be a master at swordplay. He stroked his dense, clean-cut beard, thinking to himself, his chestnut eyes wandering away to the horizon. “And when they do, the city will not hold for long.”

Karim al-Hakim simply nodded. “I know.”

02:14:47 Jan 20th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:


That guy has a long name! He must be cool!

19:10:11 Jan 22nd 10 - Lord Himanilviii:

Reads it all and says, "I thought the Karim guy was the invader, no wait..........

*Goes back to read and remember names*

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